Hello, I am

Joey Brown

I'm a Passionate

I'm a fullstack developer that loves tackling challenging problems, learning new technologies, and consuming obscene amounts of coffee.

Self portrait of Joey
Joey Brown Self Portrait

About me

I'm a Gamer, Rock Climber, and Coffee Enthusiast

I'm a Fullstack Developer by day - gamer by night. I proudly wear the title "Video Game Jumper", yupp.. that annoying friend that talks you into playing a video game then plays it for a week only to never play it again (you're welcome). Shortly after moving to Columbus from smalltown Ohio I picked up rock climbing. I enjoy bouldering and top rope climbing. My late night gaming bred a need for caffeine, and my lactose intolerance demanded that caffeine source bedairy free - thus I have adapted to drink only black coffee!



Prospira Logo
Full Stack Engineer
Full Time
  • Developed software to simplify inventory process focused on user experience, scalability, and speed (millions of parts)
  • Established project management solution to track application progress and status for all existing applications
  • Implemented custom Storybook solution to document and improve efficiency with internal component library
AMA Logo
Software Engineer
Full Time
  • Sole maintainer of 40 applications that spanned 6 domains
  • Created software simplifying registration for 800+ vendors and 40,000+ event attendees
  • Modernized existing web applications to improve the mobile experience and performance for users
Bloom Technical Institute Logo
Engineering Student
Full Time
  • Lead a team of developers building software for a non-profit organization
  • Orchestrated team standups, 1 on 1 unblocking sessions, and pair programming
  • Met with stakeholder to provide project updates and generate future requirements based on feedback
Big Kitty Labs Logo
Software Engineering Intern
Full Time
  • Interfaced with multiple stakeholders directly throughout development lifecycle of various applications
  • Ownership of 3 Ruby on Rails client projects, tasked with stakeholder 1:1s, and management of development task creation
  • Gained experience with new technologies and cloud infrastructure with minimal support

Technical Skills


Javascript is the first language I studied. Learning Javascript was love at first sight, and lead to my first ever project - a simple calculator.


React is my go-to frontend library. I am in my happy place when using it. I continue to hone my react skills and am currently focusing on component composition.


Laravel has been an absolute breeze to work with.I'm working with it currently and feel the documentation is among the best I've ever seen.


I use PHP daily. Coming from a mixed background of Javascript and C#, PHP concepts were not alien. It has certainly strengthed my understand of OOP.


I picked up C# at the AMA. C# proved to be my first run-in with a strongly typed language. C# exposed me to the benefits of errors being prevented at runtime.


Vue.js was my first exposure to a component based application structure. This js framework helped develop my mental model of components within an application.


HTML is to blame for my first ever "webpage" that will forever mirror the internet of the 90's. Lambda School guided me through semantic HTML and it's importance.


Playing Flexbox Froggy and Flexbox Zombies helped me better understand the importance of semantic and well laid out HTML.

Contact Me

What’s your story? Get in touch

Always open to connect and explore new opportunities. Feel free to reach out.

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